Duck, Dodge, & Dive

Has the stalemate in Washington gotten so bad that they really just refuse to work together, even at the expense of our country’s economy?  In today’s press conference on energy and the economy, president Bush urged congress to act to ease American’s anxiety over energy prices.  Some of his suggestions were permitting of refineries (good idea if the oil companies actually wanted to build them ), faster approval for nuclear power plants, and drilling in ANWR.  Of course, the Democratically controlled congress had none of this.  Harry Reid (D) Nevada said the following in a prepared release:

“Today, the president provided a miserable performance of missed opportunities to really lead the nation,” said Jim Manley, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., in a prepared release.

“Instead of proposing to rollback even more environmental regulations, the president should have called on the oil company executives to voluntarily keep prices from rising,” Manley said, also saying oil companies should have fewer tax breaks, and should invest more in domestic refining capacity as well as cleaner fuels — especially in light of record profits.

Quick analysis….:  1)  Call for the oil companies to voluntarily keep oil prices from rising?  Are you kidding me?  That’s the most ridiculous case of fox garding the hen house that I’ve ever seen.  Voluntarily cut their profits?  Mr. Reid is an intelligent enough guy to get elected to congress, surely he knows this is a ridiculous dodge. 2.)  Fewer tax breaks, and invest more in domestic refining capacity and cleaner fuels?  My math may be a little off, but wouldn’t higher cost for the companies by way of higher taxes and investment lead to higher price at the pump?  Does he really believe this stuff? 

I can’t believe it’s gotten so bad in DC that they expect us to buy this garbage.  It’s all a hussle to dodge responsibility, take no action, and then promise to do more once re-elected.  The presidential election is very important in certain respects, but lets call a spade a spade here…  Vote these turkeys out of office while we still have a country.

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