Jon Stewart Shows us How to Be Biased

 By: John Yoak

 Jon Stewart’s much publicized sound bites from his show has gotten a lot of attention this week and brings the leftist argument to a head…The left likes to present Wall Street (free-markets) as the big bad lone villain in the last eight years. Both Jim Cramer and Stewart are leftist believers and voted for Obama…

Jim Cramer’s (again, remember Obama voter) criticism of Obama got a lot of attention this week…When all of a sudden his forecasts and predictions, based on speculation and market data at the time, was taken out of context by Jon Stewart and the whole thing turned into the flavor of the day hit piece on him (Obama voter or not) who has the temerity and gall to state the truth about his second thoughts regarding this administration’s direction as Cramer stated last week… Rick Santelli (CNBC rant) found that out the hard way too! First it was Rush and now we see anyone who criticizes Obama’s policies will become a target for the newly compiled Alinsky-style enemies list…Yes, that includes the likes of Jack Welch, Warren Buffett or Jim Cramer. No one is too big to try and bring down if you cross them or criticize their policies. The Soviets had a forced “Pravda-Media” to do their dirty work – today we have a willing, liberal, in the tank, “lame-stream-media” who will do all they can to bring you down!Where were these guys when we were all trying to tell the biggest brains in the room (before they voted for him) that Obama was a provable “Socialist-Alinskyite-Marxist believer”, who uses the Chicago-Machine style of politics with the new “Rules for Radicals” tactics?It’s starting to appear as if Jon Stewart has been added to the White House 8:45 morning call, to the leftist media folks, who will run with the daily talking points (actually character assassination points) for the Obama-Alinsky hit-list! Next, they’ve announced they’re going after Washington Republicans who oppose Obama’s budget! $3.6 trillion dollars? Gee…what’s to question there? Or the Omni Bus Bill with 8750 earmarks and Lobbyists? No, not there either! How easy they make it for us who are shouting…”we told you so!” – No, I refuse to play nice – this is serious stuff!So, Stewart’s whole audience has a Pavlovian response – which is what they want – and, you know what? It’s really easy to be a comedian and take those cheap shots. If Cramer is a “Clown” as Stewart calls him, for using entertainment gimmicks on a financial show…Then what does that make a doofus pseudo-intellectual comedian, who’s in the tank for all things “progressive & liberal” and won’t admit it? At least Rush Limbaugh will admit openly he is a “conservative”, while using entertainment to present the facts from a conservative perspective…Stewart does nothing of the kind? I didn’t hear anything about the facts regarding Frank, Dodd or Schumer’s involvements, where it comes to something as serious as interfering in the direction of Wall Street and American free-market capitalism, as they in fact did?  I’d say the college kids who get all their single-source news from a pathetic, progressive operative like Stewart is just that, “pathetic” and no different than single-source advice on stocks from Cramer. After all…what they both missed is the rest of the facts. According to my Constitution, the individual is still responsible for doing their own due-diligence and the choices they make – not CNBC or regulators. Following TV guys or CNBC period, for that matter, to make your financial investment decisions leaves out the buyer beware ‘caveat emptor’ side of the real world I live in…No, I don’t need full disclosure to apply my individual thinking mind to anything! Most Americans didn’t used to either, until we indoctrinated them with mindless anti-free market & anti-capitalist professors and lawyers.Presidents Roosevelt, Wilson & FDR were all admitted “progressives”. We know now what history proves them to have been? They gave us most of the creeping socialism we have in place in the system today. Do we need full out Marxism before we say Enough?

So far “greed” isn’t illegal – yet…give them time, it will be! Watch for it?

Here’s the videos if you haven’t seen them:>



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