The Silence of Patriots

My fellow Patriots, what are we doing? Are we too busy to understand the current risks to this country or are we just plain old lazy?

As a member that has been along for the ride for some time with PFA, I must admit that I’m concerned about our group, but so are others. We enjoy a membership of over 1,450, but given the threats to this country by socialists and communists within our country, that number should be 1,000 to 10,000 times our current numbers. That is, if Americans understand that every single freedom that we enjoy today, is scheduled to disappear over the next several months.

Let’s face it folks, the ONLY honest thing the socialists and communists are guilty of, is laying out their plan and acting on those plans in rapid fire order.

The ONLY reason this country is in the situation it currently faces, is that the same Patriots and good people of this country that foresaw what would happen, remained largely silent or at best, found cause to fight with our own side.

Conservatives outnumber leftists in this country by a margin of better than 6 to 1, yet because of one BS reason or another, we allowed the socialists and communists to take over control of Congress and the Presidency, in addition to the media, educational, healthcare and our judicial systems.

Would Congress be controlled by the leftists today, had American Patriots held our own politicians to task?

Certainly not! But while we complained and railed against the unbridled spending and lack of true republican (not party, but conservative) closely held values over the last 8 years, did we vote them out of office in favor of a true conservative? No! How did we let almost 75 million conservatives stay at home and not vote at all?

Now this country is up to it’s neck in debt, socialism, unfunded mandates and a federal government that is hell bent on destroying this nation, it’s wealth, it’s productivity and the freedom of 320 million Americans. Are you still too busy to take a stand?

Look at how many blog posts go without comment by this membership. How can we say that we’re engaged in this issues, when most of our members can’t write a line or two in the comment sections of the blogs?

To make my point even more clear, wander through all of the blog posts and see how few of us take the time to proffer our thoughts by posting a blog subject.

If this membership, and Patriots in general is made up of followers, the game is over. America needs and requires Patriot leaders that are willing to step forward and be counted in swelling our ranks, our efforts, ideas and thus, our overall impact.

At PFA, we do have leadership in the form of Col. Riley and those members that have been part of the Impeachment Team and Research Team and those that spend their valuable time as site administrators. But now, PFA sits at a crossroad, every bit as troublesome as we do with the very direction of this country.

Let me VERY clear. My following points (as are the words that preceded it) are NOT authorized by Col. Riley, PFA or anyone, other than myself. No one has requested that I submit the following to this membership.

Before each American today, lays but four options for our personal and country’s future. We can:

(1) Do nothing and let what happens, happen by mumbling our personal complaints to each other only.(2) Spend our time calling, writing, emailing or faxing our government for redress.(3) Seek redress by a formal and legal judicial Constitutional National Criminal trial.(4) Reclaim our government by armed force.How many of us really expect that choosing #1 will do anything to preserve and protect this country, it’s sovereignty or our freedoms?

How many of us can claim that any of the calling, writing, emailing or faxing our government for redress, has changed a single action in the last 60 days?

Some people believe in Option #3 and some do not. All would like it to work. Perhaps if everyone looked at the long view, rather than the short view of Option #3, minds would change. What is the short view? The short view is one that begs the question of judicial impact, i.e., will it work or will it not, in directly removing those politicians and private sector persons that have broken our laws, their Oaths and or the Constitution.

The long view is, I believe, more to the point. Option #3 if done correctly, supersedes a bias media and the indifference by those in power to ignore acts of civil disobedience, anti-tax parties, Tea Parties, petitions, or calling, writing, emailing or faxing our government for redress. It also addresses the leftist judicial system that is clearly in the tank for the leftist socialists and or communists.


By taking the issues of the People’s right to redress, directly in front of the American People, without for the first time in modern history, the shaded veil of a biased media coverage, political grandstanding, legal linguistics and or courtroom gymnastics that are employed to defer the rather simple approach to such trials, of determining a right or a wrong, depending only on the evidence and testimony, as permissible under our laws. Option # 3 does not depend on party politics, agendas or the skill and daring of over paid legal snake oil salesmen.

Likewise, Option #3 does not expose its self to a federalized Court system that seeks to determine the case on the basis of agenda of the Court or it’s supporters. As such, the jury of 100 (or one or more of it’s 50 alternates) shall be the sole finder of fact, not the Court.

But to be clear, Option #3 will be VERY costly to employ, as no National Grand Jury or a trial, if required, can be held via the internet, phone or even teleconferencing. By the very nature of these proposed efforts, they must be done in a live format. A conservative estimate of such cost, could be expected to range from $326,500.00 to $500,000.00 for the National Grand Jury and an additional $979,500.00 to $1,500,000.00 for the trial, if a “True Bill” is proffered by the National Grand Jury. These costs include airfare, lodging, food, ground transportation, printing and binding, conference / courtroom rent. In the case of a trial, the cost of a satellite TV channel or proper advertising, are NOT included in these cost estimates.

The best method to assure the proper funding levels for our legal efforts, would be for this membership to encourage and or demand that Col. Riley form a non profit corporation. But no one should expect Col Riley do so, without at least 40% of the PFA membership making such a request. In simple terms, if you agree that a non profit corporation is the best way to raise the needed funding, get off your collective butts and let Col. Riley know you support the idea. It’s your personal responsibility to do so…do not depend on others to make your claim for you. Based on the sorry turnout of those volunteering for the National Grand Jury, this membership had better wakeup and damn fast. I can show you the way, write the briefs and proffer solutions, but if this membership is too lazy or self centered to stand up and play a real role in these efforts and solutions, all is for naught and the communists will rejoice, while the rest of us will be nothing more than the leftist’s fodder.

I expect few problems in recruiting “deep pocket” Patriots to help fund our work. This would include many in the Hollywood elite, business owners, professional athletes, common Patriots and more. But without a non profit organization, nothing will happen.

Then there is Option #4. If you can’t support Options #2 & #3, Option #4 is nothing more than a false hope.

So in conclusion, the solutions to this nation’s problems and the very real threat of losing every freedom that we now enjoy, is in the hands of each and every PFA member. You can continue to do nothing or you can stand with myself and other’s that have already made the tough decisions. Are you REALLY too busy to defend your country by letting Col. Riley know you want PFA to become a non profit corporation or that you can be counted on as a PFA Jurist or a PFA Defendant? Talking tough and acting outraged is NOT good enough my friends. You MUST be willing, able, ready and available to ACT NOW!

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