Ban The Confederate Flag??

Many have been trying to remove symbols of our Confederate Heritage for quite sometime. The other side has shown themselves to be opportunistic sycophants, allowing no good tragedy to go waste. I’m sure that everyone else is completely disgusted, as am I, with the actions of the young “man” (I’m not sure what to call him) who would senselessly shoot others in a house of worship. He posed with a Confederate Battle Flag sometime before his execrable act. Politicians, being what they are, lost no time in exploiting this tragedy for their own ends.

I know at times, it seems every circumstance and everyone is against us. But I’m reminded that others have faced more perilous circumstances before. George Washington, while at Valley Forge wrote…”the Continental Army is bereft of decent clothing, and supplies…” He further went on…”one could follow the progress of the army through the snow by observing the trail of blood that feet without proper shoes left…”

The men at Valley Forge refused to let their circumstances destroy them. Rather they sharpened themselves on the edge of adversity, to become a first rate fighting force. So also did our Confederate Ancestors. Their conduct , both on and off the field of battle, at all times was glorious and righteous. No less a personage than Winston Churchill, wrote of their courage and bravery. In his seminal work, “A History of the English Speaking Peoples” he observed that Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia was the finest fighting force the western world had ever seen.

Fellow compatriots, this is the heritage that we have been left. So as Washington’s Men did at Valley Forge, let us persevere in the face of adversity. As Sir Winston Churchill wrote during the Battle of Britain, let this be our finest hour! No man (or group of men) is ever in the minority when they stand with God for the truth! Deo Vindice!


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