Oh, Obama … What a Chump

Here he goes again. Never miss an opportunity to exploit a tragedy for personal political gain, right? Our pathetic loser, the coward-in-chief community organizer, the least qualified of all presidents ever to serve, again seeks to curtail the 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding citizens. Using the Oregon college campus tragedy as a springboard, our shameless president once again prostitutes himself in front of the American public.

Why oh why do these pathetic left wing looney liberals believe that there is any correlation between legal gun ownership and violent crime? As if pencils misspell words?  Cars kill people. Really? Can it be any more simplistic?

Has anyone ever noticed that the gun control proposals by these worshipers of hollywood and all things of european “enlightenment” are always aimed at curtailing the rights of the law-abiding citizens? Have these ideologues ever proposed any law that would serve to more severely punish those who illegally use weapons? If they have, it has never made the news.

So the left-wing’s “answer” remains the same. Curtail the rights of those who do no wrong. Do not seek to punish those who would harm innocents. Could it be because so many of those violent criminals are democrats? Or at a minimum are more closely affiliated with minority coalitions? But, we cannot speak of such things, right?

Or can we? Why do you think that the left-wing political correctness machine is so laser-focused on making it socially unacceptable to discuss the differences and realities that so obviously contribute to violence in America? If you mention in public that blacks and hispanics make up a disproportionate percentage of the prison population, or God forbid try to connect the dots between black teen pregnancy and crime, you are a racist.

Civil War history?  It never happened. The north really could not have imported slaves from africa to sell to the south in order that the south could farm the crops in order to sell all the cotton and tobacco back to the north, right? Because abolitionism was in vogue before the Civil War began?  Wasn’t it?

Reality dose … Abraham Lincoln never mentioned slavery in his declaration letters on the war. He always focused on the financial implications of the war. His emancipation proclamation did not even free all the northern slaves, just the south’s. The “great emancipator” legacy remains today as the man single handedly responsible for more American deaths that anyone else in history.

In sum, it is a sad direction our nation takes. When we have more takers than contributors in society, that society is heading for hell.

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