By The Objective Numbers

By the objective numbers:  By John Yoak

  1. To my friends who are swept up by all the Obama-mania and socialist-loving-progressivism out there, who keep saying President Bush did some “Socialist” things too!… He did, Ok?
  2. President Bush proved he was, in fact, part “progressive”?…and did some wrong things in the final months of his presidency. As-if, your totally Marxist President Obama is okay? Two wrongs still don’t make a right. 
  3. The difference is, we were shocked as conservatives and saddened by President Bush’s move to the Left. However, President Obama shocks no one who knows his past record! Why?…Because he’s the “quintessential socialist”…or, like the self appointed enlightened ones call themselves and Obama, “progressive-liberal”…Yeah, like that somehow changes the historical truths about “Socialism, Marxism or Collectivism”. By any other name it’s all the same. And, it’s never worked anywhere! No, not even China. China’s capitalistic-communism is still “Communism”…American capitalistic-socialism won’t work either. It’s still “Socialism”…!
  4. For the record, conservatives were against the bailout. We don’t want socialism to succeed in making it’s way into American capitalism. It’s those kinds of policies we are against, whether they are Bush’s or Obama’s! Conservatives believe in allowing some to fail and the free market pendulum to balance itself out. Yes, while using “The Rule of Law”. 
  5. I believe in Milton Friedman’s laissez-faire economics style…where government is much less than 21% of GDP, today we’re heading past FDR’s record spending @35% of GDP and the stimulus bill etc will ad much more.
  6. No…”progressives” are no more enlightened, anymore than “conservatives” are behind the times by standing up for capitalism, free markets & the Constitution! We’re not simply “old-school” who can’t adapt.
  7. Also, capitalism isn’t broken or recently failed and it hasn’t been unfettered since FDR threw the “new-deal” net over it. Actually, it’s been managed-markets for more than 100 years now. It’s intrusive big-gov’s disfunctionalism that’s broken, not capitalism. The Republican party is not synonymous with conservatism but, even so, there were many Republicans and Democrats opposed to the bailout. And while we do distain any scent of socialism [yes] the “bailouts & stimulus” indeed reeks of it.
  8. Let’s be clear that it was Sec Paulson, a progressive-Keynesian style economist and former CEO Goldman Sachs, who presented the case for the initial bailout and lobbied President Bush & Congress, stating this was the answer to prevent a major economic meltdown (“crisis?” – over used word). Let’s also be clear that the Federal Reserve is not part of our federal government and that it is the Federal Reserve that controls our monetary policy and is now essentially controlling our fiscal policy as well. …
  9. No, it was NOT because of deregulation, quite the opposite. So while, yes, Bush approved of the bailout, I believe he granted too much autonomy to Sec Paulson by not paying enough attention while exiting Washington. Ultimately, he was forced to respond to Paulson’s public claims of pending economic doom if the bailout did not occur. Checkout his global view-points and China connections:> … Furthermore,  we acknowledge the incestuous relationships between Paulson, Bernanke, Greenspan, Pelosi, Reid, Frank & Dodd (Congressional Banking Committee) and many other high ranking Federal Reserve and economic advisors, again mostly Keynesian-social-engineers, and their ties to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA).
  10. Now we come to the heart of it – The CRA initially was carried out by Sen. Barney Frank’s (It’s Uncle Barney – the Affordable Housing Sugar Daddy), using Acorn’s ground troops and implemented thru , Fannie/Freddie (quasi-gov organizations), Bear Sterns-Countrywide-WaMu, CitiGroup, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch etc, allof whom are conveniently the recipients of the big bailout. How interesting that Goldman Sachs and some of the other big banks have major investments in China…Sec. Paulson and Sec. Geithner (a tax cheat) just so happen to have lived in China and both speak fluent Chinese…Also, how ironic that China holds most of our debt by way of loans. More recently, the Feds like never before are running the printing presses to come up with the money (a “Ponsi scheme”). Are we the next Weimar Republic of mega-inflation?
  11. So Paulson, Frank, Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, and Schumer teed the Keynesian ball up for President Obama: Now we see we’ve been duped, by recognizing the original bailouts only started the wheels of socialism rolling and conveniently provides cover while President Obama proceeds with transforming our economy by putting us at the same level of government spending as in Europe, under the guise of “stimulus”. He’s attempting to insert government like never before into the private sector. Just as FDR’s “new-deal” did in the 1930’s by squeezing out the private sector in favor of even bigger-government, and didn’t work…(8 years 17.2% median unemployment).
  12. This whole thing stinks. We are now under the radical leftists rule and big-government interventionism is now a reality, until it fails. While us poor saps can do nothing but watch our corrupt government in action, now led by the most radical leftist in American history who even within his first few days has proven his intent to move us as far left as possible and seemingly under the blessings and approval of the Federal Reserve. 
  13. President Obama is now taking on Rush Limbaugh….What? From the highest office in the free world? The President of the United Sates is worried about one private citizen’s influence because he can’t defeat his ideas (Saul Alinsky-Rules for Radicals)…Ridiculous, but no surprises there either, it’s classic Alyinsky! How small does that make the office of the Presidency? Pretty small…and petty!  I believe the “Fairness Doctrine” could be just around the corner….?
  14. The “stimulus bill” (“Porkulous bill”), which was formulated without any Republicans, announcing the closing of Gitmo and a tax cheat Treasury Sec Geithner’s appointment begins showing who President Obama is! Maybe that’s why his approvals have dropped over 15% in his first week…

…Keep-the-Faith, our God is bigger than the power mongers with their little god-complex’s, who we see before us today…Including the “false messiah President Obama”. Notice big (G) little (g)? Therein lies the big differences! No one is intended to set themselves up as a god.


p.s…Milton Freedman said, “The Fed [Fed Reserve] was largely responsible for converting what might have been a garden-variety recession, although perhaps a fairly severe one, into a major catastrophe. Instead of using its powers to offset the depression, it presided over a decline in the quantity of money by one-third from 1929 to 1933 … Far from the depression being a failure of the free-enterprise system, it was a tragic failure of government.”

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