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Can you believe Obama’s “America Sucks 09” tour & speeches?

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Can you believe Obama’s “America Sucks 09″ tour & speeches?

Upon reflection, kindly speaking, this is the last time I will defend my claims [regarding Marxism] in this forum. Anyone tells me again that Obama isn’t a Marxist radical, I’m simply going to send them this video  in Obama’s own words…I’d suggest you do the same. Then if they don’t believe it? Well, they are not worthy of reasoned factual debate. I call it the Michael Moore/Bob Beckel/Alan Colmes syndrome. Conversely, most of us conservatives never believed Bush was a true conservative, albeit a good man, with conservative tendencies and labeled him accordingly. McCain?…a total RINO and a partial liberal. And, now it’s time to rebuild the Republican Party again. NOT a Third Party! Remember Ross Perot’s consequences?

If you read it, you may have been curious why I didn’t answer Pippin (open eblast forum debate) when he challenged me last month…Simply said, I told Pippin in my first reply that we’d never agree because he likes playing the contrarian railing against prevailing conservative positions and wisdom… 

I’ve been challenged many times about my claims that “Obama is a Marxist”. I was told by Pippin that “I didn’t know what I was talking about”, because he, Pippin (a lawyer) had written a thesis paper in college on Karl Marx & Marxism, who said “Obama is not a Marxist”…

…Analytical skills are another thing? It’s kinda like the typical passionless NPR phenomenon where some inadvertently become a by-product of the indoctrination they listen to, accounting for some of the 20% self-identified liberals in the culture war today. I find most of them don’t even know what the former self-acknowledged progressive Presidents TR, Wilson and FDR did. Who implemented Marxist tenets and programs during their presidencies…Most of which are still in place today.

Heck I haven’t even brought up Fredrick Hegel, the original community organizer of Germany in the 1800’s, and Hegelianism…No need,  it’s not that complicated to see…for those who care to see the truth…It’s Marxism thru-&-thru! History revisited…Have we learned anything?

This is self narrated and short to the point, from Obama’s book Dreams from My Father. I think it’s from page 41…

Best to All,
