Why is the BP claims process so prejudiced against real estate agents?
The BP claims process is flawed at its core. You could throw a stone in any direction here on the Emerald Coast and hit someone that has made a significant windfall from the BP claims office. Waiters, waitresses, bartenders, busboys, dishwashers, air brush artists, massage therapists, fast food managers and owners far removed from the impact of tourism are cleaning up!
Yes, many fast food workers who were in no way impacted by tourism, whose pay has not suffered whatsoever are receiving checks in amounts that far exceed that which they requested! Food service employees making $20,000 or so per year are raking in checks to the tune of $15,000 and more. Some, much more!
So what about real estate agents and their companies who have suffered losses as a result of BP’s “incident”? A full-time real estate agent cannot be paid more than $12,000 through the BP claims service. One agent had a number of large contracts fall out due to buyer’s fear of the oil spill consequences and could document a loss of more than $65,000. What was this agent told? “Tough! $12,000 is the cap.
Okay, so why can vacation management companies receive checks in the $100,000 range (several received more than $1 million), busboys up to $20,000 and real estate firms and/or agents be capped at $12,000?
Is there an agenda? Is Feinberg following orders from a higher power? The Obama administration has demonstrated a clear and distinct prejudice against those employed in financial related industries, real estate included. There is also a perception that those in the financial services industries are conservative. Is there some correlation?
Senators and Congressmen need to intervene. There needs to be some call-to-action! Elected officials should seek to determine why this bias exists and see it corrected.