Posts Tagged ‘imam rauf’

Ground Zero Tolerance? Sure, Why Not?

Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

I am shocked, absolutely shocked, that so many Americans are standing up in opposition to the construction of a mosque near Ground Zero in New York. We are a nation of tolerance – We should allow it, right?

In keeping with that theme, and in order to promote tolerance, I propose the following:

A gay nightclub should be opened next door to the mosque to promote tolerance amongst its members. We could call it “The Turban Cowboy” or “You Mecca Me Hot”.

Next door on the other side, we should have a butcher shop that specializes in pork. One that makes a nice lunchtime pulled pork sandwich.

Then across the street, a very daring lingerie store, called ” Victoria Keeps Nothing Secret”.

And of course, what area wouldn’t be complete without a “three girl nudie” car wash called “The Three Mosqueteers”.

And what neighborhood would be complete without skin headed white supremacists, renting a store front tattoo parlor just above the butcher shop?

And don’t forget the Armed Forces Recruiting Office, which would be just a step or two from the VA administration office.

To make the neighborhood and street complete I also propose that we build the largest Southern Baptist Church in the country that could share its parking lot with the mosque, which would have to allow use of their parking lot for old fashion tent revivals.

You know….just to promote that whole “tolerance thing”!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the Hell’s Angels are looking for a new location for a NY clubhouse. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Yep, I know the perfect area.

I am certain that Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf would relish this opportunity to demonstrate and promote tolerance in the good ole U.S. of A. He and his muslim buddies should embrace these suggestions with the greatest of enthusiasm!

If you agree, pass this along!

*This message was made in America without harming any cats, or dogs, or fish, or horses, or cows, or chickens, or ferrets.

PS. Did I mention that the women from P.E.T.A. would be standing naked on the adjacent street corners to raise awareness regarding the evils of wearing fur?

God I love this country… I wish everybody did.