Posts Tagged ‘kim jung un’

Kim Jong-Un, the 28-year-old leader of North Korea, was named the “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2012

Friday, December 7th, 2012

There’s nothing more ravishing than a young dictator on horseback.

Kim Jong-Un, the 28-year-old leader of North Korea, was named the “Sexiest Man Alive” for 2012 by satirical news site The Onion. Unfortunately, a Chinese newspaper didn’t quite see through the humor.

People’s Daily Online
, the Communist Party publication, posted an article about Jong-Un’s Channing Tatum-sized accomplishment while citing The Onion‘s words.

SEE ALSO: Iranian News Agency Cites Fake ‘Onion’ Article

For example, this quote (originally from The Onion) appeared in the piece:

“With his devastatingly handsome, round face, his boyish charm, and his strong, sturdy frame, this Pyongyang-bred heartthrob is every woman’s dream come true. Blessed with an air of power that masks an unmistakable cute, cuddly side, Kim made this newspaper’s editorial board swoon with his impeccable fashion sense, chic short hairstyle, and, of course, that famous smile.”

And the kicker: “He has that rare ability to somehow be completely adorable and completely macho at the same time.”

The Daily also added a slideshow of Jong-Un photos — many including that now infamous smile.

The Onion
has since updated their original post with this:
“For more coverage on The Onion’s Sexiest Man Alive 2012, Kim Jong-Un, please visit our friends at the People’s Daily in China, a proud Communist subsidiary of The Onion, Inc. Exemplary reportage, comrades.”

Kim Jung Uno

Monday, January 2nd, 2012

I am really concerned about North Korea’s appointment of the “dear leader”, Kim Jung Ill’s youngest son to be the new leader of North Korea– a nuclear power! After all, Kim Jung Un (pronounced Kim’s young-un?) had NO military experience whatsoever before daddy made him a four-star general in the military.  This is a snot-nose twerp who has never accomplished anything in his life that that would even come close to military leadership: he hasn’t even so much as led a cub scout troop, let alone coached a sports team or commanded a military platoon.   So, setting that aside, next they make him the “beloved leader” of the country.  Terrific!!! 

Oh, crap!  I’m sorry.  I just remembered that we did the same thing here,  We took a community organizer who has never worn a uniform and made him Commander-in-Chief; a guy who has never led anything more than an ACORN demonstration and made him the leader of this country. Never mind.