Posts Tagged ‘tea party’

A Rallying Cry!

Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

I have a very important confession to share with all of you.  PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO ALL OF YOUR CONTACTS!

I have recently been involved as a volunteer with We the People Foundation.  My main job at this point was to work on spreading the word about the upcoming We the People Continental Congress 2009.

I volunteered to spread the message about We the People this weekend at two rallies, the one in Tallahassee and one at the Emerald Coast Conference Center. 

But I was so busy with family things, I didn’t make it to Tallahassee and didn’t get to speak, nor did I hand out flyers, at the ECCC rally. 

I felt terribly guilty and for good reason.  But this omission of mine taught me a very important lesson.  I was reminded (again) while attending the ECCC rally that we are involved in a warWe are at war!  You might have heard it characterized as the Cultural War or the Second American Revolution.  Oh, sure, there’s no bullets being exchanged, and hopefully it won’t come to that.  But the fact remains, we are at war!

What is at stake if we lose this war?  The most brilliant political achievement ever attempted by humankind, which is a Constitutional Republic.  The way of life based on Jeffersonian principles that says that free men and women are allowed to pursue happiness without the impediment of a tyrannical government.  A means by which the people themselves have the power to keep their government in check.  A community based upon cooperation, consensus, the rule of law, decency and civility.

How do we lose this war?  As the father of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke, once said, “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  We MUST consider ourselves soldiers in this war and we MUST consider our missions as ORDERS. 

Some of our missions as foot soldiers might be less cumbersome than others, but that makes no one’s responsibilities any less important.  Our efforts bind together to form the strong fabric of our ultimate goal, which is to preserve liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

So you are too tired after all of your other obligations to pass out flyers?  Too broke after buying that new gadget to fund organizations or have business cards printed out?  Can’t find time to attend a rally because you have too many other “important” things to do?  What could be more important than saving your country!  What if the Framers, the militias, and all of the thousands of patriots unrecorded in history would have had the attitude that they need make no individual effort? 

But they did, and they changed history and their fortitude and sacrifice gave birth to this great nation.  Thousands more have gave their lives for this country since then — should our apathy make their sacrifices worth nothing at all? 

The first impediment guaranteeing failure is the attitude that nothing can be done!

Where is the great American spirit that moves us?  Have we become so complacent, so immobile, so lazy, that we would sit by and watch the greatness of the country of our Framers smashed into bits without any resistance?  Where is our fortitude?  Where is our courage?

We can and we MUST sit up and DO SOMETHING. 

Be a soldier, volunteer for your mission and take the orders SERIOUSLY.  From now on, I vow as a patriot to do whatever I am called upon to do for my country, and I will follow through diligently, and I will take any discomfort resulting therefrom like a good, strong American should.

Next Tuesday night, May 26th, at 7:00 p.m. Central Time, I will be hosting a conference call for We the People Congress.  I want for you to attend and I want for you to send this email to all of your contacts who are likewise invited to attend.  Simply follow the directions below.  This conference call will last about one hour and during the call I will be explaining the nature of the Second American Revolution and We the People Foundation’s own efforts to participate in winning back our Republic.  The session will include a question and answer session so that participants can engage regarding the very important contributions being made by We the People and other organizations towards restoring our Constitutional Republic.

Be a soldier and ATTEND.  It’s simple and it takes a very small amount of time.  We the People have a responsibility as a check and balance on government abuse of power, too.  We MUST do our job as citizens to force our government to conduct itself within the specific constitutional limitations designed to prevent tyranny. 

We simply have too much at stake.  If we do nothing, we as a generation will be forever remembered as the one that lacked the backbone to do what was necessary to protect and preserve a country which has provided the greatest hope for liberty in the history of humankind.

Get involved.  Simply log onto the following site:

Then call this number: (724) 444-7444

Pin 42166

Please call me if you have any questions!   Patti Thornhill (850) 217-0625


Liberal actress says tea parties were racist

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009


“Let’s be very honest about what this is about. This is not about bashing Democrats. It’s not about taxes. They have no idea what the Boston Tea party was about. They don’t know their history at all. It’s about hating a black man in the White House,” she said on MSNBC’s “The Countdown” with Keith Olbermann Thursday evening. “This is racism straight up and is nothing but a bunch of teabagging rednecks. There is no way around that.”

Olbermann did not once try to challenge her on those assertions.

The actress went on to describe the brain size of typical “right-winger, Republican or conservative or your average white power activist.” 

“Their synapses are misfiring. … It is a neurological problem we are dealing with,” she said. This isn’t the first time she’s offered this analysis, either. Ms. Garofalo said similar things about Alaskan GOP Governor Sarah Palin’s brain last February in an interview with an environmental blog.

The actress went on to bash the GOP on MSNBC Thursday because it had “crystallized into the white power movement” as well as Fox News, which she said has captured the “Klan demo[graphic].”

“Who else is Fox talking to? Urban older white guys and their girlfriends who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome,” she said.

Ironically, Ms. Garofalo is currently playing a role on the drama 24, which is aired by the Fox Broadcasting Company and is popular among conservative circles.

By Amanda Carpenter