Posts Tagged ‘wall street’

Wall Street iMoochers

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Contrary to popular belief, many of my generation’s protesters didn’t know why they were protesting in the 60’s either.  At least some thought they were protesting the war in Viet Nam, although that was only one aspect of a much larger picture.  It was more about the largest demographic in the nation coming of age and flexing its new found political and social muscle to influence any kind of change. It was about pushing the envelope. Pushing the status quo.


Thursday, October 17, 2011  The Circus Maximus of Useless Waste-oids is in full force on Wall Street. The Soros engineered, made-for-MSM tv event has recently gained strength by the called-up labor union thugs. The union thugs have plenty of time on their hands since their “leaders” have killed the goose that laid the golden egg that was once called US manufacturing. Now, the formerly overpaid wrench-turners can rub shoulders with Generation iMoocher idjits armed with iPhones, iPads and iPods from the iBank Accounts of their iParents. What an insult all these iMoochers are to Steve Jobs! He was a man of genius and production who worked and sacrificed to create products that made life more efficient and enjoyable.  

This protest has created an unholy alliance of the unemployed union laborers that once worked for exorbitant, unsustainable wages and the Gen X moochers who are more than willing to do nothing in return for exorbitant, unsustainable welfare. Only in what was once America!  What is laughable is none of the protesters really know what they’re protesting. They know it has to do with corporations, or banks, or the rich….or something….or somebody. That these unemployed, college graduates would join in cries to take wealth from the rich with a whale-like movie producer with a net worth of $50 million just adds to the entertainment!

This is a parade of life’s losers. Not the pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps types of Americans who built wealth rather than expecting it.

These are the results of years of destruction of traditional American values. These kids grew up playing soccer where no team was allowed to lose, else someone’s feelings may be hurt. They were schooled on leftist doctrine that told them America was evil and corrupt. They were not allowed to fail or, again, their wittle self-esteems may be damaged. They were given cars, fine clothes, fancy electronics, etc. because their parents wanted them to have everything they didn’t have growing up. They went to expensive colleges and selected majors such as poetry and African-American Studies that have zero value in the real world. Now that they realize they are worthless bands of pathetic parasites, their only recourse is to steal more money from the dwindling producers in America. 

These douche bag losers call themselves the 99%. They’re more like the 48% of Americans who have received some sort of government (i.e. taxpayer) benefits in the first quarter of 2010. While not 99%, they are still a significant percentage.

Who would ever thought that half of America would become moochers on the other half? The unwashed, middle-class, socialist brats who blocked the Brooklyn Bridge the other day certainly have no problem with the concept. They didn’t block themselves. They have nowhere to be. They blocked the working producers on their way home from work to care for their families. You know, responsibility. The welfare moochers blocked those who pay their welfare benefits! A simple “thank you” might have sufficed.